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Becoming A Member

See what Membership of the Society can bring you

What does Membership Cost?

Annual membership costs just £3.00 for a couple or £2.00 for single membership. (Junior members under the age of 16 have free membership)


Existing members can renew by door-to-door collection or at the entrance to any Show. If you are not currently a member you can join by contacting us using the buttons on the 'Contact' page or by joining at the entrance door to a Show

You do not have to live locally to become a member

What's included in your Membership?

  • Free Entry to all our Shows

  • Opportunity to exhibit at all Shows

  • Free Newsletter three times a year

  • Chance to meet socially & make friends

  • Opportunity to book day trips

  • Opportunity to join Annual Xmas Lunch

  • Attendance at  AGM

Data Privacy 

The Society operates in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. A copy of the Society's policy statement with regard to the use of personal data is available on request from the Chairman

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